august 14.
I got sicker so I didnt go on any more outings. At the Oprey we got lost and read the signs which we cracked up over. There is a resturant called Suck Bang Blow right across from another place called Cooters. This is after a row of restarunts called the dead dog saloon, drunken jacks, crazy sisters reef, bubba's love shack. The names were so awful it was hilarious! I figured that the district was really an undercover red light district. We proceeded to get lost on the way to the Oprey and from there the signs only got worse. Rent-a-tool, rent-a-party, shiver me pincers, the bed man, bad kitty, the foxy lady, this combined with the piggly wiggly and the food lion made for some serious southern prioritizing. There was a billboard for a womens hair cutting salon for men and a accidental baby choose life bill board. All this combined to make for a hilarious car ride which was way more personally fulfilling and more fun then the Oprey which was in my opinion a combination of a light show and good karaoke singers. I slept through most of it. The place we went to dinner was god awful. Misty and I shared a look once we saw the seafood buffet food. Never trust a person who doesn't eat at night for dinner reservations. Every thing was old, fried and over cooked. There were no mixed greens and everything looked like it had been sitting there all day. No one else seemed to mind, though. They loved the Oprey and they actullay thought the jokes were funny. Its kind of hard to follow the funny jokes when your eyes are closed. Flashjing lights and smoke really aren't my thing. I got sicker. Now I am puking up everything in my stomach. I got into a misunderstanding with Mary and started crying. AJ and Ed comforted me. Well it has been a stressful morning. I just feel so bad because the topic is one that i really care about but I recieve no support on. I wish Mary had been more gently encouraging. I guess someone just over estimated me again. Not bad though. I had a good time.